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Newsletter #2 - December 2020 

Optimizing Bio-based Fertilisers in Agriculture 
Knowledgebase for New Policies

Get to know us!
LEX4BIO aims to identify and quantify nutrient-rich side-streams and evaluates technologies for producing safe, efficient and regionally targeted bio-based fertilizers in the EU. LEX4BIO will provide policy recommendations for achieving a higher use efficiency of bio-based fertilizers and socioeconomic improvements for the rural population. 
Click here to discover our project objectives
Word from Kari Ylivainio, LEX4BIO coordinator

Despite COVID 19 crisis LEX4BIO has achieved few significant results in 2020. However, COVID-19 related measures imposed by European governments prevented the smooth implementation of some of the key LEX4BIO activities such as field trials.
Mapping of NRSS and sourcing and evaluating available bio-based fertilisers (BBF) in the EU were the starting point for LEX4BIO activities. However, COVID-19 slowed down these activities from February 2020 onwards and lock-down in many EU member states practically stopped the activities in many partner´s organizations in spring 2020 and forced consortium to postpone the start of the planned field trials (WP3 and WP4) to spring 2021. Due to the delays caused by COVID-19, consortium prepared an amendment requesting to postpone LEX4BIO for 12 months.
National discussions organized mainly in the first project year provided the basis for developing a policy roadmap towards better utilization of BBFs across the EU and thus reducing the EU dependency on mineral fertilisers, providing tools for closing nutrient cycles and mitigating climate change. If you are interested engaging for the activities of LEX4BIO do not hesitate to contact us.
Below we have presented few achievements of LEX4BIO in the past 2020 year.
First results of the LEX4BIO project: discover our WP3 activities in 2020
In WP3, phosphorus fertilisation value of broad range of bio-based fertilisers (BBF), covering organic, organo-mineral and mineral BBFs from 7 material categories, have been selected and distributed for testing in five field experiments from Finland to Spain. Together with these potential CE-marked BBFs tested in field scale, at least 25 other P-BBFs will be tested in pot experiments with different crops and soil types.
Two pot experiments conducted in 2020 indicated that several P-BBFs are comparable to common mineral P fertiliser, triple superphosphate. A screening of national fertiliser regulations with respect to total and soluble P requirements in fertilisers clearly showed the need to develop a unified approach for testing BBFs. A subset of soil samples from the LUCAS soil archive has been selected for optimum coverage of soil characteristics across the EU. Finally, preparations for an experiment to assess potential leaching of P after mixing BBFs with different soil types in Europe is under preparation for starting the experiment in 2021.
National Dissemination Forum (NDF) in Spain
A meeting was held on 5 October 2020. Three relevant companies producing compost were invited and attended the meeting. Until now, composting has been the main transforming process for valorizing these relevant residues. Regarding the use, companies producing compost, in some cases branch of very big services companies such as VALORIZA, offer the product as “soil amendment” more than “fertilizer” taking into account all the potential effects contribution to soil functioning (organic matter supply).
Networking as a key to maximise LEX4BIO impacts
Since the beginning of the LEX4BIO project, networking activities have been undertaken to ensure cross-cooperation with relevant projects and clusters at EU scale. Several joint-activities and joint-promotion have already started. Learn more
LEX4BIO VISIBILITY in 2020 – Discover our dissemination activities

LEX4BIO in the scientific community: In 2020, LEX4BIO has been presented during several international events, ensuring to gain in visibility and attract stakeholders in supporting the achievement of our objectives. Learn more.

LEX4BIO is online: From the beginning of the project, LEX4BIO is benefiting from a large on-line visibility. The website dedicated to the project has been launched in November 2019 and is providing a set of information, contents and results that are publicly accessible. Hence, over the 4 years of the project duration, you will be able to download directly from our web platform, all the deliverables and outcomes that will be issued through the implementation of LEX4BIO
Find out where to meet us in 2021!
All the LEX4BIO partners wish you all the best for 2021.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 818309 (LEX4BIO). This output reflects only the author’s view and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.